August 11, 2005
Here are some "before" photos of the seats and door panels. The last of the interior pieces have been delivered
to the shop. The Pacer will make what will hopefully be it's last trip via flatbed to the upholstery shop to have the
pieces installed.

August 20, 2005
Had the car out for a quick bath and a good waxing. Now... to get the rest of the trim back on!

September 12, 2005
Here are 2 photos of the back seat! The front seat and door panels will be completed in time to get the interior
back in by the end of fall.

September 19, 2005
Here are a few photos showing the trim back on the Pacer. Once it's all shined up it's going to look great.
Now all I need to find are the inner tail light housings and scripts.

September 29, 2005
And here it is.... the front seat! Looks like brand new! Now all we have to do is get it back in the car.
